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Monitor APIs

API monitoring is a crucial aspect of tracking APIs. It allows you to track the number of API endpoints. This documentation provides an overview of API monitoring features and their importance. Additionally, you can schedule the liveliness check for API monitoring at regular intervals, eliminating the need to manually check the monitor repeatedly.

Monitors Window


  • To proceed, make sure that you have onboarded your APIs. To learn more, see Onboard APIs.

Add Monitor

On the Monitor tab, you can apply monitoring policies to your APIs. The dashboard will then display the number of endpoints each policy is applied to.

Monitor Page

Track APIs Endpoints

You can apply monitoring policies at both the API level and the organization level.

API Level: Applying policies at the API level allows you to tailor monitoring specifically to each API's needs. This means you can set up different metrics and thresholds for different APIs based on their criticality, traffic patterns, and expected performance. This granularity is crucial for quickly identifying and troubleshooting issues specific to certain APIs.

Organization Level: Setting organization-wide policies ensures consistency and standardization across all your APIs. This is helpful for enforcing common security measures, rate limiting, and access control across your entire API ecosystem. It also simplifies management by minimizing the need to define the same policies repeatedly for individual APIs.


Once you add an organization to Monitor, you can attach the API policy to it. To learn more, see Policies.

Add Monitor

Update Liveliness Interval

To update the API monitoring liveliness interval check, you need to:

  • Click Update Liveliness Interval

Accessing Update Liveliness Interval

  • Define the interval value in the popup shown


The interval value is in seconds, and it should be at leat 10. Also, it is universal, meaning it will be applied to all the monitors available.