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Change Details and Ownership, and Delete the Organization

Accessing Details Tab Organization

When you open an organization and switch to the Details tab, you get the following options:

  • Fields for organization details.
  • Change Ownership option.
  • And Delete Organization option.

These options vary according to the organization's type.

Details Tab Master Org Options in the Master Organization.

Internal Organization Details Tab Options in the Internal Organization.

API Partner Details Tab Options in the API Partner Organization.

You can change your organization's details such as Organization Name and Description by adding details in the fields and clicking the Update button. The need to change details is required when you want to clearly explain its use, if not done already.

Updating Details in the Internal

The API Partner Organization's Details tab also provides an  Add Billing Address option.

Add Billing Details

If you haven't mentioned that during the creation of the organization, you can do it now. If you need to change an Internal Organization's ownership, simply click the Change Ownership button.

Accessing Change Ownership

A popup will appear; in it, do the following:

  • Select the user to whom you want to assign ownership.
  • Then, click Change.


Once you change the ownership, you cannot perform ownership tasks in the organization. Plus, you can't reassign the ownership to yourself, and if you're not part of the organization, you can't change the ownership even if your user role is platform-admin in the Master Organization. Only the newly assigned owner can perform those tasks. The need to change ownership occurs when you no longer want to perform tasks specific to the owner but still want to remain in the organization.

  • In order to delete an organization, simply click the Delete Organization button.

Deleting an Organization

  • In the popup, select Delete.


You can't delete a Master Organization; also, deleting an Internal or API Partner Organization is irreversible as it deletes all the data like team, roles and APIs associated with it. If you want to retain the data, consider ownership change.