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Version Depricate

APIs go through changes from time to time, whether a minor, major or patch release. Hence, a single API can have multiple versions. And the latest version may supersede the previous ones. Therefore, in that case, you might be the user to avoid the old version and consume the latest. To achieve this, you can depricate the API version(s) no longer appropriate for use.

Follow the below section to learn how to do that.


Before you proceed, ensure you’re a user with the platform-admin, api-product-manager or api-developer role.

In order to depricate API versions:

  • Go to Manage APIsMy APIs.

Accessing My APIs

  • Click for the API you need to depricate versions.


If you want to depricate versions of a published API, you need to unpublish it first. Visit Unpublish API to learn how to do that. Once the API is unpublished, continue with the following steps.

  • Scroll down to Versions and click Depricate for the version you need to depricate.

Accessing Depricate Options

  • In the popup shown:
    • Select Period - Hours | Days | Months
    • Define the Number of Periods
    • Click Deprecate.

Depricate Single API Version

If you need to click multiple versions at once:

  • Click Multiple Depricate.

Depricate Multi Versions

  • In the popup shown:
    • Enter Version Query


The queries are the combinations of logical operators (&&,>,<,=) and version numbers in semver format (x.y.z). For example, a valid version query would be 1.9.0 -> 1.10.0 -> 1.11.0.

  • Select Period - Hours | Days | Months
  • Define the Number of Periods

Multi Versions Depricate Dialog

  • Once done, click Deprecate.

This will depricate the versions and you get the notification.

Version Depricated Notification

To reactivate the deprecated API version, simply click Reactivate.

Activating Depricate API Version

Then, click Reactivate in the popup shown.