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API Authentication

Before subscribing to an API, developers or consumers can test it by utilizing the Tryout operation. The tryout operation operates on a specified tryout quota, so that, only limited resources come into use. If an API is publicly available, consumers can access the marketplace and run the tryout operation whenever needed. This can exhaust the limited quota for a particular API, hence, depriving other users of trying it out.

Therefore, in order to limit the usage and give access to only authorized users, API Authentication comes in. It allows product managers to apply a specific authorization on the API Endpoints which needs to be validated before running the Tryout operation.

If you need to apply the authorization, follow the below steps:


Before you proceed, ensure, you’re a user with the platform-admin, api-product-manger or api-developer role.


Fields with asterisk (*) are mandatory.

  • Access Manage APIMy APIs → click for the API you need to apply the authorization.

Accessing My APIs

  • Scroll down to Manage Endpoints, and click Edit.

Accessing Manage Endpoints for Authentication

  • Click Add for Authentication

Accessing Add Authentication Options

  • In the popup shown:
    • Select the Authentication type

Authentication Types

At Yappes, you can apply five types of authentication on the API and they are as follows:

HTTP Basic Authentication

The first authentication type avaialble is HTTP Basic. If you select it, then you need to:

  • Enter the Username.
  • Then, Password.

Adding HTTP Basic Authentication

  • Click, Add Authentication

When the user runs the tryout operation, they need to enter these credentials to validate the authorization and run the operation.

Header Authentication

The second authentication type available is Header. Simply select it, and then:

  • Enter the Header Name.
  • Then, the Header Value

Adding Header Authentication

  • Click, Add Authentication

Through Header authentication, you add the authentication credentials in the headers of the API request. This allows the server to identify and authorize the user making the request. Once it is enabled, the API will require the appropriate headers with valid credentials to authorize access.

OAuth 1 Authentication

The third authentication type available is OAuth 1. The OAuth 1 authentication at Yappes provides a secure way to authorize user access to an API. It involves the use of access tokens and secret keys to verify the identity of the requesting user. Once it is enabled, the API will require users to provide valid access tokens and secret keys in order to access the resources.

To enable the OAuth 1 authentication, follow the below steps:

  • First, select OAUTH1 as Authentication Type
  • Then, enter the Consumer key
  • Consumer secret
  • Select the Signature method : HMAC-SHA1 | PLAINTEXT
  • Enter the Time stamp
  • Then define the Nonce parameter
  • Version
  • Realm
  • Time Request token URL
  • Authorize token URL
  • Access token URL

OAUTH1 Fields

  • Once added all the details, click Add Authentication

Query Parameters Authentication

The fourth authentication type available is Query Parameter. If you select it, then you need to:

  • Enter the Query Parameter Name
  • Then, add its Value

Query Parameters Authentication

  • Click, Add Authentication

The Query Parameters authentication is a simple method of authentication where the authentication credentials are passed as query parameters in the API request. This allows the server to validate the credentials and authorize access to the requested resources. Once it is enabled, the API will require the appropriate query parameters with valid credentials to authorize access.

OAuth 2 Authentication

The fifth authentication type available is OAuth2. Unlike OAuth 1, the OAuth 2 authentication allows users to grant limited access to their resources. At Yappes, you can enable the OAuth 2 authentication based on Client Credentials or Authorization Code that involves Access token URL, Authentication URL and Scope, providing a secure and standardized way for developers to authenticate and authorize API access.

To enable it, first, select the Authentication Type as OAuth 2, then:

  • First, select its Grant Type: Client Credentials | Authorization Code

Selecting the Grant Type

  • If you select Client Crendentials, then:
    • Enter the Access token URL
    • Then, Scope

OAuth2 Client Credentials

  • If you select Authorization Code, you need to additionally add the Authentication URL

OAUTH 2 Authorization Code

  • Once you've added info in all the fields, click Add Authentication.

This will add the authentication in the API for the Tryout operation.

Authorization Added