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Unpublish an API; Change Ownership; Delete or Decommission an API

On this page, you’ll learn how to unpublish an API, change its ownership and delete or decommission the API. Follow the sections below to perform the mentioned actions effectively.


Before you proceed with the following steps, ensure you’re a user with an platform-admin or api-product-manager role.

Unpublish an API

In order to unpublish an API, you need to:

  • Go to the Manage APIsMy APIs.

Accessing My APIs

  • Then, click for the published API you need to unpublish.

Editing a Published API

  • The API details will open. Here, click Unpublish.

Unpublishing the API

  • Then, click Unpublish in the popup shown to confirm the action.

This will unpublish your API. Now, you can perform other actions, including changing ownership, decommissioning and deleting the API.

Change ownership of an API

If you need to change ownership of the API, whether on a user level or organization, you can do that easily. First, you need to Unpublish the API. To do that, follow the previous instructions. Once the API has been unpublished, the Change Ownership option becomes active.

While managing APIs, changing ownership can be required for different essential purposes. For example, the current user or organization no longer need to manage the API and deleting the API or decommissioning it isn’t an option. Therefore, in that case, it becomes vital to reassign the access and control rights to other users or organizations so that they can ensure all the owner-related management tasks, such as modifications, setting access permissions, and monitoring its usage, are performed promptly.

Overall, it ensures that the API follows the platform guidelines or rules and regulations so that smooth collaboration and governance within the platform stay intact.

Follow the below steps to change the ownership:

  • In the My APIs, click you need to change ownership for the API.

Accessing Edit Options

  • This will open the API details. Here, click Change ownership.

Accessing Change Ownership Options

  • A Change Ownership popup appears. Here, you get the options to:
    • Change Ownership at the User or Organization level

Change Ownership Dialog

  • If you select User:
    • Then, select the user email in the Search User field
    • Once you’ve selected the user, click Change

Options to Change Ownership at User Level


When you change ownership, ensure the user is part of the organization.

  • If you select Organization:
    • Then, select the Organization in the Search Organization field
    • Once you’ve selected the organization, click Change

Change Ownership at Org Level

This will change the API ownership, and you get the change ownership notification.

Delete or decommission an API

An api-product-manager can delete or decommission the APIs whenever needed. Follow the below sections to learn how to do that.

Decommissioning an API

Decommissioning an API is required when it’s not needed for a particular period. It means deleting an API isn’t an option. However, disabling it for a temporary period is. This helps manage the lifecycle of the API(s) and allows organizations to control and govern the usage of it effectively.


The decommission functionality deprecates all API versions, including the latest version. Once the API is decommissioned, no update can be performed until it is reactivated.

To decommission the API, first, ensure it’s unpublished; if it’s not, then unpublish it. Follow the instructions in the Unpublish an API section to learn how to do that. If the API is already unpublished, then in the My APIs:

  • Click for API you need to decommission.

Accessing Edit Options for Decommission

  • Then, Click Decommission.

Accessing Decommission Options

  • In the popup shown:
    • Select the Period - Hours | Days | Months
    • Then, based on the selected period, enter the duration

Decommissioning an API

  • Once you’ve added the values, click Decommission.

Decommissioned API Success Notification

This will decommission the API, and you’ll get the success notification.

Reactivate a decommissioned API

If you need to reactivate a decommissioned API, do the following:

  • In the My APIs, click for the API you need to reactivate.
  • Then, click Reactivate.

Reactivating an API

  • Click Reactivate in the popup shown to confirm the action. This will reactivate the API, and you’ll get a success notification. However, it will be unpublished.

Deleting an API


Deleting an API is irreversible; once you delete an API, all the related data will be erased from the platform. You cannot restore or retrieve once the action is complete.

If you need to delete a published API, you must first unpublish it. To learn how to do that, follow the instructions in the Unpublish an API section. If the API is already unpublished, then you simply need to:

  • Click for the API you need to delete.
  • Then, click Delete.

Deleting the API

  • Click Delete in the popup shown to confirm the action.

This will delete the API, and you’ll get a success notification.