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Webservice Connectors

To add/update webservice remote connector, do these following steps.

  1. Select Remote Resources tab under update view of API.
  2. Press on ADD REMOTE RESOURCES button and select connector type as webservice.

There are two types of webservice:

REST Connector

  1. Select webservice type as "rest".
  2. Add relevant configuration information such as contentType, webservice URL and authentication details.

  3. REST has 3 types of authentications methods.

    1. Basic Authentication : User credentials such as username and password is required for this type of authentication.

    2. Header Authentication : Here associated header values are to be provided in JSON object modal.

    3. SSL Authentication : Currently webservices supports client certificate authentication by providing certificate files, these files are uploaded under remote sources Security Keys tab. where it supports two types of certificate mode:

      1. PFX file bundle along with passphrase.

      2. Certificate, Key and CA (CA is Optional) files.

SOAP Connector

  1. Select webservice type as "soap".
  2. Add relevant configuration information such as webservice URL, Path and authentication details.

    1. SOAP is supported with WS Security authentication.